Louisiana Redfish
During the Fall and Winter, giant Redfish and Black Drum rush by the hundreds into the shallow water flats of the Biloxi Marsh and the Mississippi Delta with one mission, Eating! It is amazing to watch these fish chase down the fly and crush it. The Mississippi Delta and Biloxi Marsh is where we spend most of our time in the Fall. The water clarity and quality of fish make the Marsh an epic redfish fishery.
There are many sight fishing opportunities, whether the fish are tailing, pushing wakes, or boiling in a 300 fish school. This is by far the best redfish destination on the planet. Redfish over 30lbs are common and we see Black Drum that are 50lbs or more.
Full Day – $750 for one or two anglers (8 hrs)
Trips Include – Flats boat set up for fly fishing, all flies, rods, reels, lunch, beverages, and other necessary equipment.
Plus – You will receive Angler’s Obsession swag and we’ll send you pictures from your trip.
Louisiana fishing license is not included in the price.
Fly Fishing Testimonials
Thanks again for being so accommodating and for taking me on my first steelhead trip on the Methow. It was truly an epic trip and much more productive than I could have imagined. You sure as hell know how to catch some steelhead and gave me more opportunities than I deserved to catch some fish. After talking to people and hearing stories about traveling all the way to Canada to fish for steelhead, and then hearing how they didn’t catch anything, I still find it hard to believe that I landed 9 fish…and probably lost another 5.
The accommodations were much nicer than I had expected as well. You are the first person I have fished with that put me up in a clean bed and whose wife cooked huevos rancheros for breakfast the next morning.
Hopefully I will be able to make it back to your area again in the future for another chance to fish. Thanks again.