Louisiana Redfish

About Louisiana Marsh: 

During the Fall and Winter, giant Redfish and Black Drum rush by the hundreds into the shallow water flats of the Biloxi Marsh and the Mississippi Delta with one mission, Eating! It is amazing to watch these fish chase down the fly and crush it. The Mississippi Delta and Biloxi Marsh is where we spend most of our time in the Fall. The water clarity and quality of fish make the Marsh an epic redfish fishery.

There are many sight fishing opportunities, whether the fish are tailing, pushing wakes, or boiling in a 300 fish school. This is by far the best redfish destination on the planet. Redfish over 30lbs are common and we see Black Drum that are 50lbs or more.


Full Day – $750 for one or two anglers (8 hrs) 

Trips Include – Flats boat set up for fly fishing, all flies, rods, reels, lunch, beverages, and other necessary equipment.

Plus – You will receive Angler’s Obsession swag and we’ll send you pictures from your trip.

Louisiana fishing license is not included in the price.

Get 3-day LA fishing license here

Fly Fishing Testimonials

September 6, 2013

Hey Aaron this is Wes. Thanks for everything again. I had a hell of a time. And you did a great job of putting us on fish. Thanks again.